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001 - Shake it up baby!


Book One. In most of the stories they take a tumble and end up okay fine, not this time, and it's Sam that gets to take the tumble which opens a whole can of worms. And intros a character of mine who is going to become a regular fixture in my next few stories. This is all AU by the way. Hope you enjoy.
By the way, reviews would definitely be appreciated, anything that will help me improve my writing style is welcomed.


Note from the Sinful Desire archivists: this story was originally archived at To preserve the archive, we began importing its works to the AO3 as an Open Doors-approved project in November 2016. We e-mailed all creators about the move and posted announcements, but may not have reached everyone. If you are (or know) this creator, please contact us using the e-mail address on Sinful Desire collection profile.

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Another bar, another town, another hunt, that was Sam and Dean Winchester’s world; but for the moment it was on hold. As one of the Winchester brothers fought for his life through an agent not of an external force. It began in truth many months previous and worked continually until this present day. Dean was usually the one who took the worst of the hits, the falls, the damage. But it was falling out of a second story window that set Sam on a precarious path.


Two weeks prior to the events that Sam was currently undergoing they were on a hunt in Houston, Texas. It was a reality straight forward case of a poltergeist action and it didn’t take them long to corner the beastie. Sam had his back to a window in a bedroom when Dean broke the hold the poltergeist was attempting to weave about them, and he flicked the holy water in the direction of the presence when the presence in the death throes lashed out and smacked Sam squarely in the chest, throwing him through the second story window. Dean made sure that the critter was under control and gone, and then hurried over to the window, he saw Sam lying unconscious near a small garden area.


“Sam! Sammy! Hold on I’ll be right down!” He ran by the grateful family who was in the living room having taken orders to remain there while they worked this out. Out in the yard however, his blood turned to ice in his veins, he started to life Sam’s head when he felt the warmth and wetness that was blood, then he saw the quartz rock that was part of the gardens border and saw blood on the tip.


The father, Harry Complin, ran over and looked at the scene then whipped out his cell phone and dialed 9-1-1. Dean felt for a pulse and detecting one breathed a silent prayer of thanks, then he noticed his brother was still breathing, raggedly, but breathing on his own. “Hang in there son,” Harry commented, “Ambulance is on the way. And my insurance’ll take care of this situation. Hell that’s why I’m paying that shyster all that blood money.”


Dean barely heard the man; he was concentrating, willing his energy into Sam. It seemed like eternity but actually was only about 9 minutes, that he heard the strident sound of a siren coming down the street, the crew came running up with their kit boxes and examined the scene after getting Dean to give them some room.


“Neck splint and backboard.” One EMT said to the other who ran back to the ambulance to retrieve the items. There was more talk and assurances, finally Sam was loaded up in the ambulance and taken away with Dean riding shotgun, and the Complin household following close.


Once at the hospital the team immediately took Sam into treatment and pointed the direction to the nurse’s station where the required information was to be given. Dean wasn’t thinking too much at all about administrative detail until the nurse gently called him to the present. “Mr. Winters, your brother’s in good hands, now please we need some insurance information. With that Harry Complin who had managed to get back to the station handed her a card.


“The boy’s riding on my ticket.” He said nodding to a grateful Dean. In moments the nurse returned the card to Harry who excused himself.


Dean sat there giving other information including Bobby Singer’s address as their home address. She got to profession and he said “We’re hunters.”


“Hunters? Okay, that’s a first for me. “She said good humouredly trying to get Dean to lighten up a little. “Okay that’s all the information we need for the present, you can go into the waiting room and we’ll notify you as soon as we have some information available. With that he was being escorted, gently to the front of the Emergency Room area to a set of double doors and out into a crowded waiting room. He saw Harry, Edie, and Tommy Complin almost immediately. Harry was waving him over.


“Any word yet?” Harry asked.

“Not yet, they got him in trauma care and said they’d come get me as soon as they knew something.”

“Well we sure are sorry that you have to have this kind of trouble on you after all the good work you did. Shoot, I’m tickled to have a clean house now. We could tell a difference almost immediately.” Edie Complin commented.

“Say Mister Winters, did ya send that thing to hell like ya said you’s gonna?” Tommy asked excitedly.

“Well son, we sent it packing that’s for sure and certain.” Dean replied with a ghost of a smile. “Oh you’re going to want to dig a trench around the perimeter of the house, just a few inches deep, fill it with salt and cover it well. “


“Won’t that kill the grass?” Harry asked concerned.

“Yup it’ll kill off some of it, but it’ll also give y’all a barrier to prevent any future poltergeists, demons or what have you from getting in.” Dean said pragmatically falling into the habit of working to relieve stress. “The sooner you get that done the better.” He advised.

“Well you damn well earned your fee, and then some.” Harry said smiling. Then thinking, “What am I thinking of, we got plenty of daylight left let’s get back and finish the job.”

Dean sighed gratefully inside, he needed some alone time right now and all things considered it wouldn’t be a bad idea if the family went to do some of the additional work that they’d have to do.

Harry passed Dean an envelope of some thickness, “$2000 in there just like you said. Plus a little extra for your assistance and good work. Now you got our number, you be sure to give us a call when Sam comes out of emergency and we’ll see what happens.” Dean nodded numbly and watched as they left.


Then he did the hardest thing in the world for himself and that was to sit down and wait. The first thing he did upon sitting down was to call up Bobby’s number, it rang several times then the voice mail kicked in, when the beep sounded Dean tried to sound upbeat about the situation but the concern crept into his voice and would not go away.


“Bobby, when you get this, give me a call, we’re at Houston Memorial Hospital, Sam’s took a bad fall, I’m sure exactly what we are looking at but I can guess we’re going to be off the trail for a while. Call me back soon man.” With that he hung up and sat waiting.


It was twenty minutes later that Dean was asked to come back into the ER area to a small conference room, there he met the doctor who was tending to Sam. “Mr. Winters, you’re brother is being prepped for emergency surgery. It seems that the fall has resulted in both a hairline fracture of the skull and a progressive hematoma on the brain. We are going to have to go in immediately if we’re going to save him.”


“So why are you wasting time standing here talking with me instead of working on Sam?!” Dean said slightly stridently.


The Doctor used to all kinds of patients looked at Dean and said calmly, “There’s some paperwork you’ll need to sign first. A medical directive, and permission to proceed.”


“Where’s the papers, I’ll sign now, just get back in there and save my brother.” Dean yelped. After several more minutes he had signed the appropriate paperwork and directed to a waiting area away from the Emergency Room where he could wait in comfort. He lay back in the recliner watch the news program on the television in the room and ready to spring at a moment’s notice.


Dean was laying there mentally going through the morning routine for them now. His mind reached back and in moments he was back in their motel room, rolling out of the bed and heading for the bathroom, standing in there in front of the toilet he called to Sam, “Wake up boneless. We got work to do.”


“I got your boneless.” Sam said standing at the door to the bathroom and smiling lopsidedly. “I got you a boner too.” With that Sam half turned to reveal his fully charged up and erect specimen of manhood. “Baby wants to play.”


“Baby played like hell last night, I’d think you would be wanting a break this morning.” Dean said as he flushed then turned to Sam giving him a good morning kiss. Which resulted in several such kisses until Dean broke the moment. “Come on sexy britches, sooner we get this poltergeist sorted out the sooner we can be back here for some play time.”


“Promise?” Sam asked with a slight fake pout on his lips.

“Aw Sam, it’s seven o’clock, puppy dog eyes aren’t working for me just yet.” Dean said grabbing Sam’s still erect penis. “But if you’re in that much need, I can stand for a milkshake this morning.” Dean said with a devilish smile, sitting down on the toilet and pulling Sam closer until his uncut cock was inches from Dean’s mouth. Opening gratefully Dean took it all and enjoyed himself immensely, he teased, nibbled, and sucked his way to glory as he would say and was glad of it. He was about three minutes into the best part of the blowjob for him which was when Sam would pick up the pace and feed him as much as he could of that 7 inch monster he felt the head of Sam’s cock balloon momentarily and twitch, and then explode in a wonderful series of jets which filled his mouth with what Sam called “demon seed.” Dean didn’t see much of a joke in that but laughed along for the ride.


Now he was tensely waiting in a very cozy waiting room for surgical patients with about five others. Three of which were kicked back in their recliners asleep. Another who was busy trying to work a Soduku puzzle, and the last pensively looking at the door. Dean moved over and sat in the recliner next to him. He was a young man in his late twenties, who was quite well dressed, but had the look of being uncomfortable.


“Don’t you just hate the waiting?” Dean offered to the young man who nodded slightly but distantly.

“I’m Dean by the way, Dean Winters.”


“Cary Olstein,” The other said somewhat non committally.


“Got someone special in there?” Dean asked.

“Yeah a uh friend of mine.” Cary said quietly looking around with that fight or flight syndrome just under the surface.

“Yeah, my partner’s back there, he fell out of a second story window this morning cracked his gourd.” Dean said trying to ease the young man and suddenly the man turned to Dean.

“Your partner, as in work or domestic?” He asked.’

“Both.” Dean answered to which the young man relaxed as if he were a balloon someone had just let the air out of.


“Thank God, I was thinking that I was by myself in this mess of a hospital. Todd, that’s my partner’s name, he’s had a bout of pneumonia on and there’s something wrong with his lungs.” Cary said solemnly.


“So we’re both in the same boat,” Dean said sadly, then leaned in conspiratorially, “Two fags waiting on words.” Cary spun a look at Dean then saw the playful glint in his eyes laughed.


“There are times I feel like we are the only gay couple in this town. But then I’ll meet someone like you and it’s not so bad.” Cary said with a warm smile.


“No problem man, we gotta stick together.” Dean replied as a nurse looked in and asked of Cary Olstein.


The boy practically leapt from his seat all nerves. “It’s all right Mr. Olstein he’s out of danger and we can move him into a room pretty soon, why don’t you come on back and see him, he’s asking for you.” The nurse said kindly.


Cary started to leave then remembered Dean and bent down and kissed him on the cheek, “Give that to your partner, for making me laugh this morning, thank you so much.” Tears glinted in his eyes as he hurried away with the nurse leaving Dean to stew alone.


Nine hours later the charge nurse stepped into the room and called for Dean. Dean rocketed up from the recliner and stepped into the hall with her. “You’re brothers out of danger Mr. Winters, he’s in the ICU and I’ll take you in in just a minute so you can visit, I just wanted to prepare you, sometimes it’s a bit of a shock seeing your loved ones in situations like this. His head will be swathed in bandaging with a tube out one side for drainage. He’s on a ventilator for right now, and there are several IV fluids going into him. So like I said it may be a bit of a shock but he’s going to be fine.”


The nurse then led him back through a wing then into a brightly lit area which was surrounded by small cubicles that were opened to the main wing of the room but did have a privacy curtain available. It was another moment that Dean saw Sam, his head swathed just like the nurse said with tubes running to his arms, a ventilator running to his mouth and subsequently his lungs. The nurse guided him to a chair near the bed and seeing Dean’s fragile state for the moment, pulled the curtain on the cubicle, patting Dean on the shoulder.


Dean nodded but couldn’t take his eyes off Sam, his playful, serious, demonically obsessed and sometimes possessed, kid brother. He started to reach out and then drew back, the he reached out again resting his arm on Sam’s, then staring at his brother for a long moment, he suddenly burst into a battery of silent sobs, he leaned his head against the bed and Sam’s arm letting all the poisonous sorrow, angst, tension, every emotion he was wrapped up with pour out of his body.


He could not even begin to calculate how long he’d been in that position, but when he pulled back he did have a crick in his neck, the sheet and Sam’s arm was pretty wet with his tears, and his throat felt like it was going to seize up with the agony of it all. It was about then that the nurse stepped around the curtain with a box of tissues in one hand and a glass of water in the other. Dean nodded his silent thanks the tears still flowing unchecked by the fact that he seemed pretty much himself again.


It was then he felt a slight stirring against his hand and looked up to see Sam staring back at him, unable to speak for the moment, but responsive. “Sam, Sammy!” He said overjoyed, at that he broke out in a fresh spate of tears and tried to get some semblance of control. “Hey you shit, I’m not the one who’s supposed to be girly and look at me. I’m a wreck.” He said sitting the water glass to the side and pushing the curtain open with his free hand. “Nurse…” He called. One of the staff nurses came over and gladly checked over Sam’s vitals, his IV tree, and the ventilator.


She patted Sam’s shoulder, “I know that ventilator’s uncomfortable, we’re going to try to get you off that contraption tonight. For now just rest easy.” She then looked at Dean, “You can stay with him as long as you’d like but we like to encourage family members to get up and walk around a bit, go out for a bite to eat, anything. “


Dean took a sip of the water not trusting himself to speak without some semblance of order back in his life. “Ma’am I’m the only family he has here right now, I’m not leaving.”


“Okay, I understand, the restrooms just across the way, there’s snack machines across from them, but come his bed time you’ll want to go back out to the waiting room to at least get some rest in one of the recliners.” She said with a motherly tone, Dean appreciated that, and appreciated what they were attempting to do at putting him to ease, but he wasn’t that easily dissuaded.


“Thank you ma’am, I appreciate that.” He turned his full attention back to Sam and leaned over, brushing the bangs out of his eyes he bent down and gave him a kiss on the forehead. “I guess you’re sleepy, maybe a little bit?”


Sam nodded very slightly and winced, “Go to sleep my handsome prince, I’ll be right here.” With that Sam smiled slightly around the regulator of the ventilator and closed his eyes. He remembered his promise and dialed the Complin’s number on his cell phone, “Hey, just wanted to let you know Sam’s in ICU, he’s out of surgery, no complications yet, he seems to be doing okay. Yeah me too, thanks for the quick assist back there. Yeah I will, I’ll let you know how he’s doing. Okay. Thanks, bye.” With that he clipped his cell phone shut and shoved it into his pocket. Sitting back down he leaned over onto the bed his head just touching Sam’s arm, and promptly fell into a doze.


He knew he was dreaming, how could it be anything else, he had seen his brother fall out of the window, he rushed over to the shattered framework and stared out at Sam standing on the lawn waving at him then he collapsed in a heap, then suddenly sprang back up again. He laughed slightly and then felt a slight shake as he was being gently wakened. The nurse smiled at him, “Sorry to wake you, you must’ve been having a good dream, you were smiling.” She said with that motherly charm again.